Weekly Events Calendar: July 15-21, 2024
Published July 2024
By Ben Luschen | 9 min read
Each week, Oklahoma Today staffers comb through their calendars to find a handful of great events happening across the state. Get out! See Oklahoma! And be sure to let us know what you find, either here or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @oklahomatoday.
Stillwater Runs Deep
By Ben Luschen
Everyone knows Eskimo Joes. Of all the iconic college town establishments in the state, it is the most recognizable of them all. And not just in the state, because Joe's is up there in icon status across the nation. You might not ever have been to this Stillwater favorite, but you’ve surely seen their shirts and you might even have one in your closet right now. Eskimo Joe’s 49th Anniversary Celebration is this week, from Monday, July 15 to Sunday, July 21. Head to the cheese fry capital of the world for a week of special deals, prize giveaways, live music, games, and celebrity guest appearances. A kids carnival will take place 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday outside the restaurant and a public birthday bash with cookies is set for noon Sunday. Dustin, the twisted balloon artist, will preside over the festivities both days. For a full schedule of events go to eskimojoes.com/anniversary. Call (405) 307-0550 for seating availability and more information.
July 15-21. Admission, free (dining is not). eskimojoes.com.

If you head out to enjoy the Eskimo Joe's 49th Anniversary Celebration in Stillwater, don't leave without ordering a plate of the famous cheese fries. Photo by Lori Duckworth/Oklahoma Tourism
Twin Fruits
By Nathan Gunter
I like to think Oklahoma’s a state of mostly-friendly rivalries. I mean, who hasn’t had their tires slashed in a high school football stadium parking lot? But mostly, we just like to throw a little shade. OU vs OSU, OKC vs Tulsa, Moore vs. Westmoore, Jenks vs. Union, people who drive slow in the left lane versus good people who are nice—we like our rivalries.
But no rivalry is as delicious as the one unfolding this weekend, when Oklahoma’s dueling peach festivals happen at the same time. In northeastern Oklahoma, the Porter Peach Festival brings the sweet, tangy summer goodness of Livesay Orchards peaches—not to mention the tasty peach desserts of the Peach Barn outside of town—together with arts and crafts vendors, live music, a prize peach auction, free peaches and ice cream, and more. Seriously, I took my mom to this one year, and we had the best time. The festival is July 18 through 20. For more information, call (918) 441-1444.
July 18-20. Admission, free. porterpeachfestivals.com
But if eastern Oklahoma’s a bit of a journey for you, worry not: in south-central Oklahoma, the Stratford Peach Festival lights up the state’s self-professed Peach Capital with a Peach Festival Car Show, the crowning of the Peach Royalty and Peach Idol, a peach cook-off, old-fashioned games, and more. The Stratford Peach Festival is July 20.
July 20. Admission, free. facebook.com/2022peachfestivalstratfordok

Those in the vicinity of eastern Oklahoma can enjoy the Porter Peach Festival, pictured here, this week. This Saturday's Stratford Peach Festival might appeal more to those in the centeral and western regions. Photo by Lori Duckworth/Oklahoma Tourism
Old Is New
By Karlie Ybarra
When I was growing up, my mom, grandma, and I would often go "garage sailing" on the weekends. At 5 am, Grandma would mark up the newspaper with a plan of attack, prioritizing neighborhood sales, then "nice" neighborhoods, then places close to Carl's Jr or McDonald's when we could finally eat breakfast. Starting at 6:30, we'd spend anywhere from three to five hours driving around Edmond looking for deals. Even if someone was asking a reasonable price, my mom would send me to negotiate for a smaller price since it's harder to say no to a child. I got plenty out of it as well though—my grandma was always willing to lend me a couple of bucks for a piece of costume jewelry or an old CD—though sadly I got rid of my copy of Phil Collins’ No Jacket Required and Fine Young Cannibals’ The Raw and the Cooked. But you, dear listener, don't need to employ a type A grandparent or get up at 5 in the morning to find once-in-a-lifetime deals on new to you treasures. Just show up at a reasonable hour pretty much anywhere in the city of Duncan during their Annual World's Largest Garage Sale. Residents will set up their selection of second-hand wares in their yards and garages and merchants will host sidewalk sales throughout the town. I can't say exactly what you might find between July 19th and 21st , but that's part of the fun! When you do find that special something, don't set it down even for a second—some garage shoppers can be pretty intense about the finders keepers rule. You can call (580) 252-2900 for more info, or just show up and start hunting.
July 19-21. Admission, free. cainsballroom.com.
From Dust
By Kiersten Stone
Farmers are part of the backbone of America, so keep the American celebration going this weekend in downtown Sayre at the Dust Bowl Days Farm & Ranch Festival. Friday and Saturday are both set to be jam packed with family fun activities, such as the antique tractor cruise, outdoor games and tournaments, the farm and ranch parade, water inflatables, and more. And speaking of jam, the 3rd annual Wild Plum Jam is also Saturday night in Sayre City Park. It will feature Caroline Grace, Tyler Wilhelm, and the Great Divide. That’s not all though, because on Sunday evening, there will be an ice cream social and gospel/Christian musicians. For more information about the event, search Dust Bowl Days Farm & Ranch Festival on Facebook.
July 20-21. Admission, free. dustbowldays.com
Whisker Wonderland
By Megan Rossman
On July 20, it will be safe to say most of the guests at the Payne County Fairgrounds in Stillwater won’t really want to be there. They would rather be sleeping, eating, and amusing themselves with numerous murder attempts. I’m speaking, of course, of the guests of honor at the Oklahoma City Cat Club Show. On this day, humans will gather to pay tribute to the felines of central Oklahoma with competitions between both pedigreed and household cats, including categories like best stripes, cutest paws, most unusual color, and more. Visitors can enter their pets in a costume contest, shop at a variety of onsite vendors, and even adopt a new kitty companion. And, of course, no local event is complete without the presence of food trucks. Fear not, grain-fed bellies of Oklahoma, they are scheduled to be there. For more information, look up Oklahoma City Cat Club on Facebook and visit the events section.
July 20. Admission, free. facebook.com

We're paws-itive you won't want to miss the cutest paws competition at the Oklahoma City Cat Club Show in Stillwater. Photo courtesy Pexels
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"Oklahoma Today Podcast: July 15, 2024"
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