Weekly Events Calendar, June 13-19, 2022

6 minutes

Each week, Oklahoma Today staffers comb through their calendars to find a handful of great events happening across the state. Get out! See Oklahoma! And be sure to let us know what you find, either here or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @oklahomatoday.

Each week, Oklahoma Today staffers comb through their calendars to find a handful of great events happening across the state. Get out! See Oklahoma! And be sure to let us know what you find, either here or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @oklahomatoday.

Celebratory Explosions

One of the main things people know for sure about the Fourth of July is that it happens within the confines of July. It's right there in the name. And yet, in Edmond at least, someone figured out a way to start it in June. Yes, LibertyFest is back for its fiftieth year of . . . almost everything. You don't get named one of the top ten Independence Day festivals by CNN and USA Today by going small. This year's events include a rodeo, a car show, KiteFest, music in the park, a footrace, a parade, and, of course, a massive fireworks show. And it all kicks off this week. June 13-July 4. Admission, free. libertyfest.org

LibertyFest blasts off this week in Edmond as the Fourth of July holiday approached.

LibertyFest blasts off this week in Edmond as the Fourth of July holiday approached.

Mother (Road) Knows Best

Do food festivals really celebrate food, or are they occasions where people simply eat a lot of food? If anything, the food would probably feel picked on, if food had emotions. Luckily for the Mother Road, the Vinita Route 66 Festival is truly about celebrating this storied stretch of road. Vinita was once home to Cyrus Avery, the man called "The Father of Route 66." It's three days of fun with a carnival, a block party with live music and food trucks, and—since this is about Route 66—a big car cruise to show off some classic automobiles. June 15-18. Admission, free. vinitaroute66festival.com

Roping, Riding, Acting

It seems like lots of actors want to be cowboys, but does it go the other way around? It did for Oklahoma-born actor, rancher, and roper Ben Johnson, who won an Academy Award for his role in The Last Picture Show in 1971. Celebrating their hometown hero, the people of Pawhuska hold the annual Ben Johnson Days event each year. Folks come from across the state to enjoy live music, this year from Adrian Brannan, two rodeos, Western wear shopping, and an old-fashioned cowboy dance. June 15-19. Tickets, $5-$15. benjohnsoncowboymuseum.com

Get cracking on your trip to Okmulgee for the Pecan Festival. Photo by Jackie Matthews

Get cracking on your trip to Okmulgee for the Pecan Festival. Photo by Jackie Matthews

Go Nuts

The Algonquin tribe referred to any nut that required a rock to crack open as pacane. But when you realize they were talking about pecans, suddenly all the effort makes sense. Bask in the glory of a tough nut to crack at Okmulgee's Pecan Festival where this tasty treat takes center stage. In addition to the usual festival fun of carnival rides, food trucks, and live music, this even includes making the world's largest pecan brittle, which is a record Oklahoma needs to nail down once and for all. June 16-18. Admission, free. okmulgeechamber.org

Go mana a pez and take on a catfish in combat at the Okie Noodling Tournament in Pauls Valley. Photo by Nathan Gunter

Go mana a pez and take on a catfish in combat at the Okie Noodling Tournament in Pauls Valley. Photo by Nathan Gunter

This Event Bites

Sure, when most people picture fishing, they imagine a pole, a hook, some fishing line, and maybe a wriggling worm or some flashy synthetic bait. But in Oklahoma, we know that for some fish all you need is your arm and the will to let a catfish try to eat it. Wacker Park in Pauls Valley hosts the Okie Noodling Tournament in which contestants will search rivers and lakes to hand-catch the biggest catfish they can find. Even if you don't plan to use your fingers as bait, there's plenty to do, including a kids' catfish-eating contest, inflatables, food and beer vendors, and the crowning of the Okie Noodling Queen. June 17-18. Admission, free. okienoodling.com

Written By
Greg Elwell

Greg Elwell served as research editor and web editor of Oklahoma Today from 2018-2023. He also has worked for newspapers, medical research organizations, and government institutions.

Greg Elwell
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"Weekly Events Calendar, June 20-26, 2022"

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