Tuesday Trivia: January 12, 2021
Published January 2021
By Greg Elwell | 1 min read
Photo by Pexels
Answer this Oklahoma trivia question to receive awesome prizes!
Test your Oklahoma knowledge and win prizes by answering our weekly Tuesday Trivia question. Every week, we’ll choose a winner from the correct respondents to receive a prize—from an Okie sticker to a subscription to Oklahoma Today and more.
Do kids know that the Internet is a fairly new invention? Talk to anybody under age 20 and they can hardly conceive of a world that isn’t online. But there are lots of things about our daily lives that seem like they’ve always existed because they’re so much a part of how our world functions. Take a driver’s license. Oklahoma was the forty-fifth state to adopt a driver’s license law. The first licenses were actually badges worn on the front of a driver’s hat, but they were soon replaced with cards. When first introduced, some drivers were grandfathered in without having to receive a license.
In what year did Oklahoma adopt a statewide driver’s license law?
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